Note from Scottish Roads Partnership (SRP)
3 July 2023
SRP planned works are notified to Traffic Scotland, are published on SRP’s own website and are also entered on the Scottish Road Works Register for road users’ information.
On occasions, it will be necessary for SRP to undertake works at short notice, whether that be during daytime hours when traffic flows permit or more likely during night time hours, when it is safer for our workforce and road users, to do so. Often SRP need to undertake emergency works e.g. repairing damaged crash barrier after an RTC, which is necessary for road user safety. Unfortunately, these types of works are not advertised as normal due to the time constraints applied. SRP apologies in advance for any unnecessary disruption, delays or noise these works may cause.
For live traffic updates, please visit the Traffic Scotland website at;
If you have any enquiries regarding any of our works, please contact us on 0800 042 0188 (24 hr control room) or by email at -